Innovative Technologies for Increased Efficiency, Quality and Safety: Managing Radiation with Small Controlled Area Radiography

December 13, 2023 9:50am

Jason Creaser
Regional Manager, Atlantic Canada

SCAR, or Small Controlled Area Radiography, is a method of managing radiation in small areas when performing radiographic testing. The use of different exposure devices or different isotopes, combined with shielding, makes it possible to minimize radiography exposure limits in a safe and controlled manner, while ensuring the highest levels of image quality.

  • This session will illustrate advanced radiography techniques that are well suited for turnaround environments.
  • Reduced exclusion zones allow for parallel activities within 5 to 10 feet of the radiography (X-Ray) being performed.
  • Reduce your critical path as there is no longer a need to put RT windows in your schedule
  • Quality is code compliant and the opportunity for “Real Time” results is there to further improve schedule and turnover