Interested in Contributing?
CI is dedicated to publishing in-depth, thought-provoking and original content. Reporters, journalists, columnists, authors and writers are encouraged to share experiences, expertise, struggles, advice, successes and suggestions in a forward-thinking and progressive manner.
We are interested in original, fact-based reports and editorial/opinion pieces, as well as photos. In particular, we are looking for submissions on emerging technology, business ideas, trends, policy and legal matters, within the following areas:
- Legal Services
- Financial Compliance
- Government
- Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
- Infrastructure
- Cyber Security
We do not pay for submission, and all submissions won’t necessarily be published. In addition, all advertorials and submissions which read like an editorial but are in fact advertisements, will not be considered.
To submit an article or questions please contact Evelyn Papadopoulos at [email protected] or 416-927-0718 x7201.
Please include your name, phone number and a short bio and links to previously published material, if applicable. Article lengths vary widely from 200 to 1,000 words.
For hard-copy queries, mail to:
The Canadian Institute
Article Submission
Attention: Evelyn Papadopoulos
1329 Bay Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2C4