Welcome to CI Legal Resource – a place that has been expertly created and curated to give you access to up-to-date information that is critical to your practice. Here you will find livestream conferences directly from our respected legal conferences, insights from legal thought leaders, and discussions around developments in the legal landscape.
After 40 years of combining the power of people and the power of information through our conferences, we wanted to offer you a way to get that same knowledge and intelligence that you’ve come to expect from our CI legal conferences, but in a daily format.
From here you can, explore livestream conferences, articles and opinion pieces that cover a range of Legal topics and issues that the legal community has flagged to CI through market research as areas that need more information and conversation around in order to do their jobs better.
We hope that the information we post here will invite questions, conversation and ultimately a better understanding of the legal landscape. We invite you to join in the conversation and development of this information by joining our email list or sending us information on The Canadian Institute’s LinkedIn page.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards,
The CI Team