Join us for 2 days of balanced perspectives on challenges affecting law enforcement, legal counsel and professional standards in Canada.
The role of a police officer in Canada continues to change, with the public demanding greater accountability. From a broader definition of “misconduct” under BC’s Police Act reform, to the nationwide debate over whether an officer can be compelled to take note, and how those notes can be used against the officer in court. Amid greater accountability, many officers are being forced to take on health care roles at a time when British Columbia has recriminalized public drug use, and when the rate of deaths in custody are on the rise.
This year’s Conference on the Law of Policing, Western Edition, focuses on the most critical policies and procedures affecting police and law enforcement agencies. Join two days of balanced perspectives on the most pressing issues facing police services, police associations, police boards, independent police oversight agencies, and their counsel. If this is your first time attending or if you are a returning delegate, we look forward to seeing you soon!

Key Sessions
Days of Networking
A Must Attend Event For
Police Commissioners, Chiefs, Superintendents, and their Counsel
Professional Standards Directors and Investigators
Executives of Police Associations and their Counsel
Senior Law Enforcement Officers
Police Discipline Adjudicators
Criminal Law Practitioners
Crown Attorneys
Members of the Plaintiff Bar
City Solicitors
Government Policy Drafters

Past Attending Organizations
- Calgary Police Service
- Civilian Review & Complaints Commission for the RCMP
- Delta Police Department
- Edmonton Police Service
- Hamilton Police Service
- Lethbridge Police Service
- Medicine Hat Police Service
- Port Moody Police Department
- RCMP External Review Committee
- Saanich Police Department
- Saskatoon Police Service
- Surrey Police Service
- Vancouver Police Department
- Victoria Police Department
- Winnipeg Police Service
- …and more!

This 2-day conference program can be applied towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as required by the Law Society of Ontario.
“It was a great conference with a wide variety of relevant topics discussed throughout, including the workshops. Thank you for your work in putting this together!”
—John Corbett
Camrose Police Service
“It was very well organized. A good variety of obviously knowledge presenters. Topics were interesting. Venue was great.”
—Michael Sondermann, Manager of Human Relations
Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service
“I found the conference interesting and informative.”
—Gord Reid, Sgt. Professional Standards Unit
RCMP North Vancouver
“Excellent experience, mixture of presenters. Panel discussion was engaging.”
—Gurmakh Parmar, Inspector
RCMP Surrey
“Very well planned and executed. Timely relevant information and great speakers.”
—Dean Pringle, President
Saskatoon Police Association
“Good experience that was informative. Excellent networking opportunity.”
—Derek Thibodeau, S/Sgt
Sponsor Opportunities
With conferences in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America, the C5 Group of Companies: American Conference Institute, the Canadian Institute, and C5 Group, provides a diverse portfolio of conferences, events and roundtables devoted to providing business intelligence to senior decision makers responding to challenges around the world.
For more information please contact:
Ken Glass
Senior Business Development Manager
Phone: 416-998-8883 | Email