Day 1

Opening Remarks from the Chair
Terry Armstrong

Terry Armstrong
Chief (ret.)
Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service



Priorities for Indigenous Justice in Ontario
Kimberly Murray

Kimberly R. Murray
Assistant Deputy Attorney General
Indigenous Justice Division Ministry of the Attorney General

Federal Funding for First Nation Policing Services
Eric Landry

Eric Landry
Director General
Public Safety Canada

In 2019, the Government of Canada started investing an additional $88.6 million over seven years, in addition to the 2018 announcement of the Funding for First Nations and Inuit Policing Facilities program.

  • Repairing policing facilities and launching an RFP for contractors in 2020
  • Selecting projects for funding based on the results of a professional assessment of First Nation and Inuit police service facilities and a set of national merit criteria, 2020-2021

Morning Break
Action Items for Indigenous Police Services for Combating Human Trafficking
Shirley Cuillierrier

Shirley Cuillierier
Special Advisor to Combat Human Trafficking
Public Safety Canada


Jennifer Richardson
Director, Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination Office
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

  • Implementing the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (National Strategy)
  • Implementation of the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
  • Investing $57.22 million over five years and $10.28 million for initiatives, strengthen Canada’s response and fill critical gaps
  • Protecting domestic and foreign victims of this crime, both here in Canada and internationally

Implementing Recommendations from MMIWGI
Lorraine Whitman

Lorraine Whitman
Native Woman’s Association of Canada

Kurtis Kamotzki

Inspector Kurt Kamotzki
Ops Officer MMIWG
Inquiry Team


Lunch Break
Legislative Option for First Nations Policing under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

Richard Stubbings
Assistant Deputy Minister
Ministry of the Solicitor General

Under the new Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, once in force, a band council of a First Nation will be able to request that the Solicitor General constitute a First Nation board for the purpose of maintaining a First Nation police service, or a First Nation Ontario Provincial Police board to provide governance for policing provided by the Ontario Provincial Police pursuant to a written agreement.

Analyzing the Increased “Indigenizion” in the Federal Corrections System
Ivan Zinger

Ivan Zinger, J.D., Ph.D.
Correctional Investigator of Canada
Government of Canada

A detailed look at Indigenous people in federal penitentiaries, now representing 30% of the incarcerated inmate population, and recommendations made by the Office of the Correctional Investigator, including:

  • Transferring resources and responsibility to Indigenous groups and communities for the care, custody and supervision of Indigenous offenders
  • Appointing a Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections
  • Increasing access and availability of culturally relevant correctional programming
  • Clarifying and enhancing the role of Indigenous elders
  • Improving engagement with Indigenous communities and enhance their capacity to provide reintegration services
  • Enhancing access to screening, diagnosis and treatment of Indigenous offenders affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Developing assessment and classification tools responsive to the needs and realities of Indigenous people caught up in the criminal justice system
  • What collaborative actions can be taken? Are there opportunities for partnerships to address gross overrepresentation and prevent reoffending?

Closing Remarks from the Chair and Web Conference Adjourns