More work needed to achieve gender equality, says SCOC chief justice
CALGARY — The head of the Supreme Court of Canada says progress is being made in attracting more women to the legal profession.
But Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin told a legal conference in Calgary on Monday that more work is necessary before equality is achieved.
McLachlin said that in the past there were always assumptions about the role of women in society and, to some extent, those assumptions are still in effect.
“Somehow we have a feeling that we could be doing better. So my challenge to you is to ask how can we be doing better and is the fact we’re not doing better related to some of these unstated assumptions?” she said in a speech to the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association’s national conference. [Read More…]
Why women just might save the middle class
American women may still earn less than men, but their role in driving upward mobility among the middle class is increasingly important, new research shows. Today, full-time working women contribute more than half their total household income on average, providing the kind of financial support that can increase the odds that low- and middle-income households move up the economic ladder, according to a recent report by Pew Charitable Trusts. A generation ago, working women contributed only 25% of their family’s household income. Working women today earn three times as much as their mothers were earning four decades ago, when women worked 24 hours per week for less than $10 an hour. Today, the majority of women work 35 hours per week for $19 an hour on average. [Read More…]Only by turning the tables on sexual aggression can we see how bad it is
The disbelief of the men in my film mirrors the disbelief we should all feel when acts of everyday sexism happen to women As is usual when men make inappropriate sexual remarks to me, I felt embarrassed. This time, at least, there was a slight silver lining, as it was a perfect scenario to recreate for my film, in which I tested out real sexist situations on men. I took tweets from @EverdaySexism, where women (and men) recount sexist incidents and, using hidden cameras, acted these out on unsuspecting members of the public. Since launching the film on the Guardian website on Friday it has garnered more than a million hits and nearly three thousand comments. Responses have been varied. Women have said that the film, which uses comedy to make a serious point, highlights perfectly the kind of harassment they receive on a daily basis. Many men have said that the words coming from the mouth of a woman made them realise their weight and impact. However, others felt the film was cruel, and that subjecting innocent men to sexually aggressive comments made me no better than the men who do that, thus completely undermining the feminist message. Those are the criticisms I would like to answer. [Read More…]What millennial women want now
As a millennial feminist, I am part of a diverse and civically engaged generation committed to innovative social change. The question many of us are working to answer is: How can we do good, be well and make money, all at once? And for our generation of feminists, the mantra is not lean in or recline, it’s thrive. Both identities are rooted in the possibility of what could be: Millennials are committed to manifesting a better future, and feminism has always articulated a future with gender equity at its core. [Read More…]Women in Business: Q&A with Marissa Sackler, Founder and President of Beespace
Marissa’s lifelong passion for nonprofits led to the formation of Beespace–a New York City-based nonprofit incubator providing early-phase organizations with the office space, mentorship and operational support needed to get off the ground and succeed. She is a founding sponsor and activist for charity:water and serves on the Board of Directors for Invisible Children, Dia Art Foundation and the Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation. Marissa is also a published photographer and works on an array of social injustice issues. How has your life experience made you the leader you are today? The leader I am today stems from the example of my parents. My father was an extraordinary entrepreneur and leader, and my mother was an inspiring teacher who later in her career joined my father in his work. Both of my parents emphasized the importance of giving back in every aspect of your life and how it makes us happier more fulfilled people to do so. [Read More…]Why Women Don’t Ask For More Money
When Emily Amanatullah was a graduate student studying management, she couldn’t help noticing that a lot of the classic advice in the field was aimed more at men than women. Negotiation tactics in particular seemed tougher for women to master. “You realize they’re pretty at odds with how women comport themselves and how they’re expected to comport themselves,” she says. She started to talk to other women and to examine her own behavior. All the women she spoke to said they hated advocating for themselves at work. But they had no trouble speaking up for colleagues. [Read More…]Industry News

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