A new global study shows that when women and twenty-somethings lead, big things follow. Gender and generational gaps have recently become big buzz words in the business world. According to a new study, it’s not a passing trend: Having millennials and women in leadership positions directly correlates with the success of a company. The…
The Multiplier Effect: 3 Adaptations To Help Women Scale Big There is no doubt: women entrepreneurs are a powerful economic force. In the US, they start businesses at twice the rate of men and are at least half owners of 46% of privately held firms in the country. Even more impressive, the post-recession increase in…
Harper government asks public servants to delete emails The Conservative government is telling public servants to delete emails with no “business value,” possibly opening the door to the destruction of potentially valuable records, say critics. Employees must still preserve information as required by law, a government spokeswoman says, but instructions obtained by the Star show…
Cyber security guide to the 10 most disruptive enterprise technologies – See more at: http://www.information-age.com/technology/security/123458260/cyber-security-guide-10-most-disruptive-enterprise-technologies#sthash.hNSgMi8Y.dpuf Cyber security guide to the 10 most disruptive enterprise technologies Deploying the latest and greatest technologies in an enterprise is one of the most effective ways of gaining competitive advantage, increasing efficiency, attracting the best talent, and, ultimately, driving new…
REPORT: Russian Hackers Stole 1.2 Billion Internet Credentials A cybersecurity firm said it has uncovered about 1.2 billion Internet logins and passwords and more than 500 million email addresses amassed by a Russian crime ring, the largest known collection of such stolen data, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. Hold Security of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,…
Has new era of female government leaders in Canada already faded? There was a time when women served as premiers in half of Canada’s provinces. It was short-lived — just “one brief shining moment,” for those who yearn for parity. It began in February 2013 when Kathleen Wynne took over Ontario and ended, if not…
More work needed to achieve gender equality, says SCOC chief justice CALGARY — The head of the Supreme Court of Canada says progress is being made in attracting more women to the legal profession. But Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin told a legal conference in Calgary on Monday that more work is necessary before equality is…
Women leaders may reduce Wall Street risky business Could the global financial market meltdown of 2008 have been avoided if Wall Street had more women executives? That’s the starting point of new University of British Columbia research that will investigate the relationship between gender and risk in the male-dominated global financial industry. Hazel Hollingdale, a…
Bank of Montreal : The Catalyst Canada Honours Celebrates Champions of Women’s Advancement, Posted on 4-traders Today Catalyst Canada awards its highest distinction, the annual Catalyst Canada Honours, to six outstanding Champions who have challenged the status quo and taken concrete action to advance and advocate for women in their organizations, their industries, and their communities. All are…