The CASL regime(s) – anti-spam and anti-malware
CASL is a new regime, with significant administrative monetary penalties (maximum CA$10 million), and is broader in scope than the anti-spam laws of the US and other countries. If you do business in Canada, you are likely aware that Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) targets unsolicited commercial electronic messages (CEMs). The provisions of the CEM “anti-spam” regime entered into force on July 1, 2014. It is somewhat less well known that CASL includes provisions on the installation of “computer programs.” CASL generally prohibits installing an app, widget, software or other executable data on a computer system (including a computer or device) in the course of a commercial activity unless the program is installed with consent and complies with disclosure requirements. These CASL provisions will come into force on January 15, 2015. [Read more…]Asda reveals trial of in-store beacon technology
Asda is testing in-store beacons to demonstrate how the technology works and to learn how customers might use it while shopping.
The retailer is experimenting with new formats to keep shoppers engaged.
The beacons use Bluetooth or other connectivity to detect a nearby smartphone or device. [Read more…]
Marketers Walk Thin Line Between Relevancy Demand and Privacy Concerns
Marketers must find the challenge daunting. As data flow on smartphones continues to lap voice usage, they need to understand the medium and how to motivate via mobile. But they walk a thin line at times. As a recent report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) makes clear, consumers want relevance — but they’re not hot on giving up the personal data which would help marketers provide it. [Read more…]Five Reasons Why Privacy Is A Crisis For Your Brand
Two recent surveys have revealed that a majority of Americans not only fear cybercrime more than any other threat, but also don’t trust companies with the data they’ve acquired about them. This indicts our accepted approaches to corporate privacy policies, and the regulations to which they comply. Here are five reasons why it’s a crisis for your brand, and what you can do about it [Read more…]Survey: 64 Percent Want Gov’t To Regulate Advertiser Data Use
A few years ago Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg argued that privacy standards in the US were relaxing. It’s perhaps more accurate to say that people haven’t lost interest in privacy; they’re just resigned to a loss of control over their personal information. That’s according to a new survey based report from the Pew Research Center. The survey was conducted in January of this year among 607 US adults. The following chart from Pew shows how secure consumers feel in using various technologies. [Read more...]To Catch a Marketer: How This Law Enforcement Data Firm Moved Into the Ad World
For several years, Relative Insight has used its sophisticated language data analytics system to root out criminals online. Now it’s taken those tools, employed by law enforcement to find fraudsters or child predators, and applied them to help marketers understand who’s really saying what about their brands online. It all started with a little help from Ogilvy Group U.K. [Read more…]Industry News

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When: Monday, January 26, 2015 to Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Where: Twenty Toronto Street, Toronto
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