International AML Trends and Threats Report: Exploring Risks Related to China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea in Canada’s AML and CFT Landscape

June 5, 2024 4:15pm

John Boscariol
McCarthy Tetrault LLP

Calvin Chrustie
Senior Partner
The Critical Risk Team

Garry Clement
Chief AML Officer

Sam Cooper
National Online Journalist, Investigative
Global News

As Canada’s financial institutions navigate an increasingly interconnected world, understanding the intricacies of these nations’ financial activities is paramount to mitigating potential risks. During this panel, delve into the evolving risks posed by major global actors such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea within Canada’s AML and CFT landscape as we explore:

  • Analysis of evolving risks associated with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea within Canada’s AML and CFT landscape
  • Examination of emerging trends and tactics employed by these nations in illicit financial activities
  • Potential implications for Canada’s AML and CFT efforts stemming from financial activities of these jurisdictions
  • Recommendations for mitigating risks and strengthening AML/CFT measures in light of the findings regarding China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea
  • Assessment of the impact of international AML trends and threats on Canada’s financial institutions and regulatory framework