Risks and Deep Fakes in the Fight Against Money Laundering: Protecting Your Organization from the Rise of AI-Generated Threats

June 6, 2024 1:30pm

Shahram Ghahremani
Machine Learning Engineer, Financial Crimes
York University


Faisel Saeed
Global Head, Internal Data Protection Management

As organizations increasingly turn to AI to bolster their AML efforts, navigating the risks posed by AI-generated threats, including deep fakes, is critical. Deep fakes, AI-generated images, videos, or audio recordings, pose significant challenges in verifying the authenticity of financial transactions and detecting fraudulent activities. In the current landscape, it is essential for organizations to implement robust strategies to protect against these emerging threats while harnessing the benefits of AI technology in their AML frameworks. During this panel, we will explore:

  • Implementing advanced authentication and verification mechanisms to mitigate the risk of deep fakes in financial transactions
  • Enhancing AI models with anti-spoofing capabilities to detect and prevent fraudulent activities related to illicit finance
  • Conducting regular training and awareness programs for employees to recognize and respond to AI-generated threats effectively
  • Collaborating with industry peers and regulatory authorities to share best practices and insights on mitigating AI-related risks in AML
  • Top questions to ask when comparing AI tools from different vendors
  • Investing in cutting-edge technologies and solutions specifically designed to detect and counteract deep fakes and other AI-generated threats in the financial sector