Harper government asks public servants to delete emails The Conservative government is telling public servants to delete emails with no “business value,” possibly opening the door to the destruction of potentially valuable records, say critics. Employees must still preserve information as required by law, a government spokeswoman says, but instructions obtained by the Star show…
Cyber security guide to the 10 most disruptive enterprise technologies – See more at: http://www.information-age.com/technology/security/123458260/cyber-security-guide-10-most-disruptive-enterprise-technologies#sthash.hNSgMi8Y.dpuf Cyber security guide to the 10 most disruptive enterprise technologies Deploying the latest and greatest technologies in an enterprise is one of the most effective ways of gaining competitive advantage, increasing efficiency, attracting the best talent, and, ultimately, driving new…
REPORT: Russian Hackers Stole 1.2 Billion Internet Credentials A cybersecurity firm said it has uncovered about 1.2 billion Internet logins and passwords and more than 500 million email addresses amassed by a Russian crime ring, the largest known collection of such stolen data, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. Hold Security of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,…
Banks Burdened With Compliance Costs Outsource Home Loans As banks lose money on mortgages and retreat from the business, PHH Corp. is rushing to cash in. PHH, the biggest U.S. outsourcer of home loans, processes and originates mortgages on behalf of small banks and some of the world’s largest financial firms, including Morgan Stanley and…
Cyber security entrepreneurs: balancing secrecy and publicity As an address, “Nimrod House, Enigma Business Park”, seems particularly appropriate for a company involved in encryption and secure communications for the British military. A German Enigma machine was used by Allied codebreakers to decipher intelligence in the second world war, while the Nimrod was a UK maritime…
Kenney to consider local exemptions to TFW program after provincial complaints – See more at: http://www.hrreporter.com/articleview/21737-kenney-to-consider-local-exemptions-to-tfw-program-after-provincial-complaints#sthash.HmmqMz7D.dpuf Kenney to consider local exemptions to TFW program after provincial complaints – See more at: http://www.hrreporter.com/articleview/21737-kenney-to-consider-local-exemptions-to-tfw-program-after-provincial-complaints#sthash.HmmqMz7D.dpuf Kenney to consider local exemptions to TFW program after provincial complaints – See more at: http://www.hrreporter.com/articleview/21737-kenney-to-consider-local-exemptions-to-tfw-program-after-provincial-complaints#sthash.HmmqMz7D.dpuf Hacking Gets Physical: Utilities At Risk For…