Harper government asks public servants to delete emails
The Conservative government is telling public servants to delete emails with no “business value,” possibly opening the door to the destruction of potentially valuable records, say critics.
Employees must still preserve information as required by law, a government spokeswoman says, but instructions obtained by the Star show that employees were being told to delete some reference materials related to their work, including memos and copies of departmental documents. [Read more…]
U.S. Retailers Warned Of Possible Hacking
More than 1,000 U.S. retailers could be infected with malicious software lurking in their cash register computers, allowing hackers to steal customer financial data, the Homeland Security Department said Friday. The government urged businesses of all sizes to scan their point-of-sale systems for software known as “Backoff,” discovered last October. It previously explained in detail how the software operates and how retailers could find and remove it. [Read more…]It’s a mistake for companies to go for off-the-shelf cybersecurity
It seems as though not a month goes by without news of a massive cybersecurity breach occurring at a large company. Sony Corp., Target Corp., eBay Inc. are just three of the companies that have had their customers’ personal information stolen over the past few years, and the number of companies that will experience an attack is likely to rise. According to tech security company Symantec Corp., there was a 62-per-cent increase in the number of breaches in 2013 across the globe. So what can companies do? Should they even bother fighting these attacks or should they resign themselves to the fact that breaches will happen? [Read more…]Data centres proliferating in Canada as companies play catch-up amid security concerns
Data centres are booming in Canada as demand grows from companies wanting to store information within our borders and amid growing concern about data privacy, prompting the likes of industry giants Salesforce.com Inc. and SAP SE to expand their footprint within the country. By the end of next year, the amount of commercially-available data centre space will have grown by one million square feet — a 20% jump from 2012, said IDC analyst Mark Schrutt. [Read more…]Cybersecurity risk a concern for everyone
One trap that companies often fall into is looking at a business risk and thinking, “that can’t happen to us.” It’s an attitude that many have taken in relation to cyber attacks and data breaches, but a string of high profile disasters have brought the matter into clear focus for every business, and many are now playing catch-up in terms of devising a plan to deal with this growing threat. [Read more…]Industry News
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When: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 to Thursday, October 16, 2014
Where: InterContinental Yorkville, Toronto
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