Oil sands development has Lakeland region booming
It seems like everywhere you go in the Lakeland the roads are packed with oil trucks, tankers and other vehicles on there way to or from the region’s many oilsands sites. [Read More…]Julia Strickland, Leading Californian Litigator, on Getting to the Top in Law – See more at: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2012/12/21/julia-strickland-leading-californian-litigator-getting-top-law#sthash.rK6XRXEF.dpuf
Canada’s oil sands to remain unhurt by falling crude prices
t’s a big challenge to represent the top financial institutions in the world. It’s even more challenging when most of these firms are in New York and you are based in Los Angeles.
But one remarkable attorney accomplishes this task and succeeds with distinction. Julia Strickland stands at the pinnacle as the class action defense litigator and source for compliance and regulatory advice for the financial industry. No one in California represents as many high-profile financial institutions as her—and no one is more successful in defending those firms in class actions and in dealings with state and federal regulators.
Her impressive roster of clients includes American Express, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Discover, HSBC, Sallie Mae, PayPal and many others. She manages the Los Angeles office of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. She has been at Stroock since 1978 and was the first summer associate in the Los Angeles office in 1977. She is a member of the Firm’s Executive Committee. She oversees fifteen attorneys in her Class Action/Financial Services Group.
– See more at: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2012/12/21/julia-strickland-leading-californian-litigator-getting-top-law#sthash.rK6XRXEF.dpuf
For the first time in four years Canadian oil sands producers are not afraid of what the upcoming winter will do to crude prices as revamped US refineries are already absorbing their production and new oil-rail terminals are ready to deliver it to markets across North America. [Read More…]
At UN climate summit, Canada vows tougher vehicle emission standards
Kenney to consider local exemptions to TFW program after provincial complaints – See more at: http://www.hrreporter.com/articleview/21737-kenney-to-consider-local-exemptions-to-tfw-program-after-provincial-complaints#sthash.HmmqMz7D.dpuf
As global carbon emissions continue their record-breaking rise, Canada has joined more than 100 other countries at the United National climate summit to pledge action amid widespread cynicism about their strength and sincerity. [Read More…]
Rockefellers get out of the oilsands and coal business, citing climate change
A foundation tied to the Rockefeller family, heirs to the Standard Oil Co. fortune, today announced it’s joining other groups in exiting coal and tar sands investments. Twelve other companies unveiled plans to phase out fossil-fuel use. [Read More…]Julia Strickland, Leading Californian Litigator, on Getting to the Top in Law – See more at: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2012/12/21/julia-strickland-leading-californian-litigator-getting-top-law#sthash.rK6XRXEF.dpuf
Calgary teacher’s oilsands poem wins prize
t’s a big challenge to represent the top financial institutions in the world. It’s even more challenging when most of these firms are in New York and you are based in Los Angeles.
But one remarkable attorney accomplishes this task and succeeds with distinction. Julia Strickland stands at the pinnacle as the class action defense litigator and source for compliance and regulatory advice for the financial industry. No one in California represents as many high-profile financial institutions as her—and no one is more successful in defending those firms in class actions and in dealings with state and federal regulators.
Her impressive roster of clients includes American Express, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Discover, HSBC, Sallie Mae, PayPal and many others. She manages the Los Angeles office of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. She has been at Stroock since 1978 and was the first summer associate in the Los Angeles office in 1977. She is a member of the Firm’s Executive Committee. She oversees fifteen attorneys in her Class Action/Financial Services Group.
– See more at: http://www.thenextwomen.com/2012/12/21/julia-strickland-leading-californian-litigator-getting-top-law#sthash.rK6XRXEF.dpuf
A Calgary teacher and musician has picked up the 2014 CBC Poetry Prize for a poem about the oilsands. [Read More…]
Calgary teen wins Google Science Fair award for oilsands research
A Calgary teen has won a $25,000 scholarship from Google for her science project about speeding up the detoxification of oilsands tailings ponds. [Read More…]Follow @CI_Energy
#OilSands14Related Event
When: Tuesday, November 25 to Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Where: Fairmont Palliser Hotel, Calgary, AB
To Learn more visit: www.OilSandsSymposium.com