Canada police deploy facial recognition tech
Canada is adopting some of its North American neighbor’s controversial police methods and dipping its toes into the pool of facial recognition technology, with Calgary police paving the way for a full-scale automated biometric identification system. Beginning this month, the Calgary Police Service will start taking advantage of this software to compare mugshots with videos and photographs captured from crime scenes, CBC reported on Tuesday. Instead of manually sifting through a database consisting of 300,000 mugshots, police will now be able automate that process significantly. [Read more…]Lawyer who swore at RCMP officer suspended for 30 days
A veteran British Columbia defence lawyer found guilty of professional misconduct for swearing at a police officer—a case that produced a memorable, eloquent ruling on the F-word’s prevalence in modern society—has been suspended for 30 days and ordered to pay the hefty cost of his proceedings. As Maclean’s reported earlier this year, Martin Drew Johnson was hauled in front of a disciplinary panel of British Columbia’s Law Society after saying “F–k you” to an RCMP officer during a heated argument at the Kelowna courthouse in March 2011. Sixty-one at the time, Johnson was representing a man accused of assaulting his wife, and the Mountie (who has not been identified) was a potential witness. [Read more…]Canada should give police more power to arrest would-be terrorists before they attack, experts say
For 10 years in the wake of 9/11, Canada has gradually built a broad counter-terrorism strategy, including some decidedly controversial measures. Then, over three stunning days, a pair of young men with little organization or backing shocked the nation with violent terrorist attacks, one at the very heart of the federal government. Does that mean Canada’s counter-terrorism policy contains fatal flaws? Or did the two lone-wolf attackers slip through a net that can be made only so tight — without unacceptable curbs on freedom? [Read more…]Arrest shows police using new strategy to charge suspected extremists
A 30-year-old assault-rifle collector from Pakistan has been arrested on allegations that he is a terrorist threat to Canada. The Ontario resident is in jail, charged under immigration laws that would allow him to be deported, just one year after he avoided prison on different charges. The new case shows how the Canadian government’s approach to suspected extremists may be evolving – rapidly – since two soldiers were killed last week in attacks the government has called terrorism. [Read more…]Industry News

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When: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 to Thursday, November 20, 2014
Where: Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel, Vancouver
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