Workshop B — A Primer on Crafting Legally Sound Project Correspondence: Avoiding Pitfalls with Precision Documentation

Feb 26, 2025 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Most project participants believe that litigation is always a looming possibility. When litigation does rear its ugly head, the quality and timeliness of project correspondence will suddenly be in focus.

In this educational seminar, the speakers will teach the key fundamentals of writing effective and legally sound everyday correspondence and notices on projects, equipping industry participants with the knowledge necessary to confidently manage their daily communications without constant legal consultation.

This workshop will provide practical and legal insights, to ensure that your correspondence can stand up in court, should the need for litigation arise, saving time and resources in the process.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • Understanding and complying with notice provisions of the contract
  • Learning the lessons from the key legal cases shaping effective correspondence within notice periods and setting out your position from a legal perspective
  • Best strategies for invoking contract provisions through correspondence
  • Determining the options for monitoring contract requirements
  • Appreciating the (mis)use of “legalese” in project correspondence
  • Identifying how to document common problem issues on project