Workshop A — Operations and Governance Working Group: Defining Responsibilities, Streamlining Performance and Ensuring Smoother Day-to-Day Functioning

Megan Dolo, K.C., CIC.C., JD, BSc
Vice President Law and Corporate Secretary
Farm Credit Canada

Brad Krizan, ICD.D., GCB.D., MBA
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council

Natascha Kiernan, ICD.D., JD.
InBC Investment Corporation
This workshop, designed for all Crown corporation professionals, will review best practices for governance and operations. Join our workshop leaders for an interactive workshop which will include a deep dive into essential governance principles as well as effective strategies to facilitate smooth day-to-day practices.
Workshop lecture topics include:
- Understanding the main responsibilities of the Chair, the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and other members of management teams
- Knowing what duties overlap, and which are distinct
- Understanding the principle of “nose in, fingers out,” e.g., the difference between oversight and the management of the corporation’s business and operations.
- Developing the appropriate level of communication between the Chair, the Board of Directors, and Management: when, how often, and how?
- What is a meeting truly necessary?
- Navigating hybrid or virtual versus in-person meetings
- Reviewing committee structures and responsibilities delegated to committees
- Best practices for establishing and maintaining contact with the Minister and Ministry/Department officials
- E.g., what is the appropriate level of communication between the Board Chair and the Minister/Deputy Minister; how often should the Minister or Deputy Minister be invited to board meetings? To other meetings?
- Benchmarking effective and meaningful CEO performance reviews and Board evaluations