Mitigating Health and Safety Risks: Building a New Standard of Construction Safety

Christopher Spasoff
Founder & OH&S Lawyer
F2 Legal Counsel
Federal statistics show that the incidence rates of nonfatal injuries and illnesses are down significantly from 20 years ago. The fatal injury rate, however, remains high, and so improving health and safety on the construction site should remain a top focus for the industry. Moreover, since sweeping changes to Alberta’s occupational and health and safety legislation came into force on December 1, 2021, this timely session will review the changes applicable to the construction industry. Topics of discussion will include:
- Understanding the reporting obligations under the updated Occupational Health and Safety Code
- Appreciating the benefits of providing training to employees and how to develop a health and safety program
- Learning the benefits of obtaining COR and SECOR
- Learning the different situations where workers have the right to refuse work
- Avoiding the risk of liability by knowing when the prime contractor must be present on site, and when they can delegate responsibility