Addressing Diverse and Evolving Needs: Developing and Maximizing Indigenous Partnerships

Byng Giraud
Sedgwick Strategies Inc

Sharon G.K. Singh
Co-Head, Aboriginal Law Practice
Bennett Jones LLP

Matthew Foss
VP, Research & Public Policy
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

Ifeoma M. Okoye
Ackroyd LLP
The concept of “going it alone” on major capital projects is undesirable and, in many cases, financially infeasible. Leveraging the wide range of expertise, knowledge, and infrastructure from Indigenous partners across sectors encourages innovation and appropriate risk sharing, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Moreover, owners and service providers are increasingly requiring collaboration with Indigenous peoples. In this session, topics of discussion will include:
- Going beyond consultation and towards collaboration, including joint ventures and other economic participation opportunities
- Building and nurturing Indigenous relationships to optimize construction opportunities
- Reviewing the provincial and federal grants available to Indigenous-owned construction projects and companies
- Protecting yourself through a review of the lesser-known legal obligations for construction projects on Indigenous land