Workshop A — Your Complete Guide to Asset Management: Funding, Developing, Managing, Maximizing and Protecting Housing Assets

Apr 29, 2024 9:00am – 12:30 PM

Katlia Lafferty
Articled Student
Yellowknives Dene First Nation

James Struthers
Founder & Managing Lawyer

John Fleming, P.Eng.
Chief Engineer
Iyem Consulting Ltd.

(Registration opens at 8:30 am)

This workshop is especially designed for community land managers and housing managers. Delegates will learn how to fund and finance the development of new housing assets, and how to reduce the cost of managing, optimize the benefits of, and protect from risks, existing housing assets. Delegates will receive template agreements at the end of the presentation. Topics to be covered will include:

  • Sourcing available funding streams for housing development
  • Examining types of financing for housing
  • Brainstorming different types of land interests for housing, on and off reserve
  • Reducing the time and cost of managing routine housing related agreements
  • Mitigating employment liabilities
  • Examining other liabilities in operating housing assets (civil, program liability, Nation politics etc.)
  • Adopting FNCIDA and residential tenancy
  • Setting up a housing society and the benefits of the same