Indigenous & Aboriginal News

Fraser Institute to First Nations: Just Be Glad its not 1947 by Senwung Luk, posted on the Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP blog

Recently, the Fraser Institute released a report, entitled “Ever Higher: Government Spending on Aboriginals since 1947”.  In stories on the report, the media reported author Mark Milke suggesting that his study “should put to rest any notion that the grinding poverty on aboriginal reserves is because they’ve been shortchanged by Canadian taxpayers.” What’s the problem then?  “I think some aboriginal leaders on aboriginal reserves might be shortchanging some aboriginal people,” Milke is reported to have told Sun News. [Read More…]

Canada needs own hero to address settler racism by Doug Cuthand, posted on The Star Phoenix

My Dad and Nelson Mandela both are my heroes. I suppose every son should look to his parents as heroes, so that’s not unusual. However, I see a comparison between Dad and Mandela, who were close in age. Both came from humble beginnings and spent their lives working for the betterment of their people. Dad is slightly younger, so for part of the year the two were the same age. Dad turns 95 next month. Mandela, who died last week, was a hero for colonized people around the world. He fought the ultimate settler state and won. Settler states are young nations created on land once owned by aboriginal peoples. To gain control, original inhabitants are shoved aside and not given any meaningful role in the development of the country. [Read More…]

Dear Harper, It’s Time to Reset Your Relationship With Aboriginals by the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, posted on Huffington Post Canada

…After your 2008 Residential Schools Apology there was a groundswell of goodwill from Aboriginal people and, despite a lack of follow-up after that seminal milestone, there was still a great deal of optimism when you promised to “reset” the relationship during the 2012 Crown First Nations Gathering. Unfortunately, the ongoing antagonistic approach of your government towards Aboriginal people has squandered the tremendous opportunities these symbolic gestures created for a more positive relationship with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. [Read More…]

Now available: CBC Aboriginal news by Lucy Martin, posted on North Country Public Radio

The Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) rolled out a new feature section on their main website this past week: news by and for aboriginal people. Mind you, CBC Aboriginal is intended for all readers, no matter their ethnicity or location. And CBC has covered Aboriginal issues for a long time too. But this new initiative will feature more stories about Canada’s first inhabitants – a growing population – with topical issues relevant to native and non-native Canadians. [Read More…]  

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Western Aboriginal Consultation & Negotiation

When: Tuesday, February 11 to Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Where: Delta Edmonton South Hotel and Conference Centre, Edmonton, Alberta

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