I Wish I Knew Then: 6 Power Women Share Most Valuable Career Advice
“Be brave. The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.” – Meg Whitman, CEO, HP [Read More…]- October 5, 2015
More women, minorities running in GTA in federal election
“I think that a strong slate of women really offers Canadians a full choice and broad representation so that their full range of views are getting heard,” NDP MP Peggy Nash said. [Read More…]- August 13, 2015
Pay equity case breaks new ground after surprise court ruling
In a case 15 years in the making, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled that a Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSCA) complaint originally dismissed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission for being outside its jurisdiction did in fact deserve to be heard… The decision has seen Nav Canada edge closer to a wage discrimination payout for up to ‘several hundred’ female employees. [Read More…]- August 12, 2015
Women’s Equality by the Numbers: Still a Long Way to Go
In 1980, there were no women in the top executive ranks of the Fortune 100; by 2001, 11 percent of those corporate leaders were women. In recent years, however, the percentage of women in top management positions and on corporate boards has stalled. [Read More…]- August 11, 2015
3 Situations Where Women Make Better Leaders
“As a woman, it sounds exciting that women are better leaders, but I wanted to explore under what context women have more of an impact.” – Corinne Post, associate professor of management at Lehigh University’s College of Business and Economics & author of the report “When is Female Leadership an Advantage?” [Read More…]- August 10, 2015
9 Inspiring Women Leaders in Tech Share Career Advice Everyone Needs to Hear
No matter your industry — whether it’s tech, finance, business or something else — challenges will be there to meet you along the way. Who better than to inspire you with advice than an immensely talented group of women who made it big in one of the most difficult industries for women? [Read More…]- August 7, 2015
23 Powerful Tips to Help Women Leaders Succeed
A grand vision is needed to succeed in any business venture–particularly for women. [Read More…]- August 6, 2015
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Related Event
When: Tuesday, November 3 and Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Where: Four Seasons Hotel, Vancouver, B.C.
To learn more visit: www.CanadianInstitute.com/WomensLeadership